My School Years

After I was admitted to Elphinston, the first thing the principal did was to hold an English proficiency test for us "vernies". I was soo good in it that I was promptly placed in division H or J or some such alphabet far from A or B which were for Sr Cambridge and English medium schools. The lecturers were instructed to handle us with kid gloves while talking to us in English. We were made to attend special tuitions arranged by the college for learning English (FOC of course).
Our side of corridor was for vernies and the opposite side was for the SOBO crowd with their Girlfriends. And here we were, scared to be in a coed class for the first time in our lives. Our mortal fear was talking to girl.
Anyway, I enjoyed both Bio & Maths and I don't remember getting stuck because of language of instruction. I did well in first year science. I don't remember how I got inspired to appear for IIT JEE but I did. My parents came to know of it when we received a letter of admission from IIT.
In IIT I was a loner keeping to myself. How did I pass time? Not studying, as I hated studies but by
reading English novels whenever I could lay my hands on any book. I finished complete Ian Fleming, Sherlock Holmes, Neville Shute (I think that was the spelling) and best of all The entire set of HAROLD ROBBINS! I found that all my adolescent fantasies were in those books and some more. The advantage was that through all my trash reading I picked up spoken English. So when I went to Yankeeland for studies I had little problem in communicating.
reading English novels whenever I could lay my hands on any book. I finished complete Ian Fleming, Sherlock Holmes, Neville Shute (I think that was the spelling) and best of all The entire set of HAROLD ROBBINS! I found that all my adolescent fantasies were in those books and some more. The advantage was that through all my trash reading I picked up spoken English. So when I went to Yankeeland for studies I had little problem in communicating.
So all in all I don't think I had any disadvantages by schooling in Marathi except no girlfriends in school and college! 

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